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Final Felling with wideRANGE

Realtime video from the operator’s perspective of a Tigercat 724E feller buncher equipped with wideRANGE drive in a final fell application. The low stand density and dense understorey requires a lot of machine travel per cut cycle. The additional speed that wideRANGE provides improves productivity in these applications. 

Fifth Row Thinning with wideRANGE

Realtime video from the operator’s perspective of a 724E feller buncher equipped with wideRANGE  in a fifth row thinning application. wideRANGE improves productivity because the machine has the capability to travel more quickly from tree to tree and to and from the bunch pile, reducing cycle times.

Cotopaxi Pine Plantation Harvesting System

Under the Volcano. Tigercat harvesting systems in Ecuador’s Cotopaxi pine plantations in 2013. 

AC16 Articulating Carrier

The Tigercat AC16 articulating carrier with a 250 series loader on a Verso wood yard in Maine.

20, a Film by Tigercat

20 is a film by Tigercat that premiered in June 2012 as a part of Tigercat’s 20th anniversary. 20 tells the story of Tigercat through a cross section of customers located in Canada, the United States, Sweden and South Africa. 

Tigercat 880 Logger

The prototype Tigercat 880 logger loading tree-length logs near Vanderhoof, BC.

KBM Chile Infield Chipping

A KBM in-field eucalyptus chipping operation in Chile, 2013. 860C feller buncher and two 630D skidders.

Tigercat M726E in South Texas

A Tigercat M726E mulcher clearing mesquite for an oilfield pad site in south Texas.

Tigercat M726E Mulchers

Watch a Tigercat M726E mulcher in as pipeline right-of-way application in Louisiana.

1055B with Breson Brush Compactor

Watch the Tigercat 1055B forwarder equipped with Breson brush compactor extracting biomass from a harvested cut block in Sweden.

Tigercat and Klabin

Klabin’s Parana operations featuring the L870C buncher, LS855C shovel logger and 625C skidder. Watch the machines fell, shovel and skid large eucalyptus to roadside in this ultra-high production application.

L870C Feller Buncher, Coastal BC

Watch a Tigercat L870C feller buncher felling second growth on steep terrain above Harrison Lake in British Columbia.