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822D Feller Buncher Lowland Logging

The Tigercat 822D feller buncher equipped for high flotation in a North Carolina lowland logging hardwood operation.

Six-wheel Skidders Lowland Logging

635G and C640E skidders working in the hardwood lowlands of coastal North Carolina.

890 Loggers on Vancouver Island

Tigercat 890 loggers shovel logging and processing on British Columbia’s beautiful Vancouver Island.

890 Video thumbnail: the words 890 Logger, Vancouver Island span across an image of mountains

Roadside Processing in Georgia

Harry Sanders talks about optimizing logs and multiple sorts. Learn how Harry is getting the job done with a Tigercat H250D processor coupled with the Tigercat 575 harvesting head.

Silviculture Machines

Silviculture contractor Donald Robbins talks about his newest Tigercat off road utility carrier that he has equipped with herbicide spraying equipment to promote improved growth rates in new pine plantations.

Eric Krume Talks Innovation

Eric Krume of Krume Logging, and Summit Attachments and Machinery talks about innovations in steep slope logging.

LS855E Shovel Loggers in Oregon

Two Tigercat LS855E shovel loggers working on steep slopes at the PLC live demo in Oregon. One machine is equipped with a shovel logger boom and grapple and the second machine with a feller director boom and the 5195 directional felling saw.

Fostering the Next Generation of Loggers

At the 2018 PLC show, Tigercat representatives and Hannah Dehoog, AKA Logger Girl, spoke with local students to encourage forestry careers and foster the next generation of forest industry professionals.

Street Trenchers in Long Island

Watch Tigercat street trenchers opening up the mean streets of Long Island with both asphalt and reinforced concrete road surfaces and strata. Find out from our customers why the T726G trencher is an asset and a key piece of equipment in utility infrastructure installation applications.

A Tigercat T726G street trencher works at an intersection.

Steve Yeoman, Volcanic Plateau Logging

Steve Yeoman, owner of Taupo based Volcanic Plateau Logging, talks about his start in the harvesting industry, how he built up his business, and how Tigercat iron and Tigercat people fit into his operations.

480B Mulcher in Brazil

Watch the Tigercat 480B mulcher equipped with the 4061 mulching head at Expoforest 2018 in Brazil. The machine is demonstrating post-harvest mulching of residual material in preparation for replanting.

480B Mulcher in Brazil, video thumbnail

Tigercat Loaders

Watch Tigercat 234B and 250D series knuckleboom loaders in delimbing, sorting and loading applications.

200 series loaders video thumbnail

Expoforest Brazil 2018

Check out Tigercat and Tracbel at Expoforest 2018, the largest forestry equipment event in Latin America.

Expoforest video Reel

Clary Logging

Owner of Clary Logging, Mr. Robert Clary talks about a long personal history in the timber industry in Georgia. He has a history with Tigercat that began in 1992. This mini-documentary was created in memory of Rosey and Robert’s son, Randall Scott Clary, also know as Toogie, who passed May 19, 2005.

Jock Haris, High Country Logging

Jock Haris of High Country Logging in Australia discusses his all-Tigercat fleet of cut-to-length machines. Jock states that the C-series forwarders with Tigercat cranes represent one of the greatest step changes in production that he has ever observed.

Video thumbnail: Portrait of Jock Harris looking over his job site.

2160 Loader Forwarder

Watch the 2160 loader forwarder operating in a Pennsylvania mill yard.

2160 Loader Forwarder moves wood onto a conveyer in millyard

Hydrostatic Demonstrator

This classic Tigercat video produced in back 1998 explains the basics of a hydrostatic drive system. It’s a must watch.

Introduction to RemoteLog

A video introduction to Tigercat RemoteLog, a complete telematics solution for machine monitoring.

Colin Wroe 880D Impressions

Colin Wroe of Whisker Harvesting in New Zealand discusses his experience with the company’s new 880D logger in a roadside processing application.

LX870D Feller Bunchers in Washington

Watch Tigercat LX870D feller bunchers operating in Washington with and without cable assist logging systems. Steep slopes, varied terrain and stem sizes.

Steep Slope Harvesting in Chile

Watch Tigercat six-wheel drive skidders and leveling shovel loggers working on cable assist logging operations in Chile.

25, a Film by Tigercat

25, a film by Tigercat, was made in conjunction with Tigercat’s silver anniversary. The film explores the importance of the prototype 726 feller buncher, the machine that started it all and launched a company that would go on to change the business of harvesting timber around the world.

This is the English language release. Now available with subtitles in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Swedish. Russian coming soon.

5195 Directional Felling Saw Walk-around

Tigercat customer support representative, Gary MacDonald discusses the critical design advantages built into the 5195 directional felling saw, a preferred choice for felling heavy timber on steep slopes.

1085C Forwarder in Quebec

Watch a 1085C forwarder in action. Owned to Jocelyn Gagne of MULTI 2P Inc. and operating near Chibougamau, Quebec.

H822D Harvester in Maine

Watch a Tigercat H822D harvester operating in a selective thinning application in Maine.

Tigercat – Tidewater Demo, May 2017

Watch highlights of the second annual Tidewater Demo Day held outside Valdosta, Georgia in May 2017.

480B Mulcher with Prototype 4061 Mulching Head

The Tigercat 480B mulcher equipped with the prototype 4061 mulching head operating in Pennsylvania.

Thomas Logging All Tigercat

Watch the all-Tigercat harvesting system owned by Thomas Logging in Saskatchewan, Canada.

M726E Mulcher Post Harvest Site Prep

The M726E mulcher preparing a block for replanting in Mexico. Mulching has several advantages over burning. It is environmentally friendly, returns nutrients to the soil, and the mulched material helps to control vegetation growth.

880D Logger West Coast

Watch the 880D logger in a west coast shovel logging application. Steep terrain and big timber.