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720G in Georgia

Watch the Tigercat 720G drive-to-tree feller buncher with 5600 bunching saw working in a thinning application in Georgia.

Image of a Tigercat 720G feller buncher working in the field

724G Feller Buncher in Georgia

Watch the Tigercat 724G drive-to-tree feller buncher with 5702 felling saw cutting timber near Davisboro, Georgia.

724G Feller Buncher

Watch the Tigercat 724G drive-to-tree feller buncher cutting timber in North Carolina with the 5702 felling saw.

724G Feller Buncher in Hardwood

A Tigercat 724G drive-to-tree feller buncher equipped with a 5702 felling saw harvesting large hardwood in Georgia.

Acacia Harvesting System

A Tigercat 724E feller buncher and 630D skidder feeding a chipper at roadside in an acacia plantation in 2016. This is one of two identical harvesting systems working on remote Melville island, 60 km north of Darwin, Australia. 

724G Feller Buncher in Action

The 724G feller buncher in a mixed stand with large diameter timber.

Williams Timber 2000 Bunching Shear

The high speed Tigercat 2000 series shear on a 720E feller buncher in a sandy north Florida pine plantation. Shear advantages include improved feller buncher fuel economy and lower operating cost, especially in rocky or abrasive conditions.

Final Felling with wideRANGE

Realtime video from the operator’s perspective of a Tigercat 724E feller buncher equipped with wideRANGE drive in a final fell application. The low stand density and dense understorey requires a lot of machine travel per cut cycle. The additional speed that wideRANGE provides improves productivity in these applications. 

Fifth Row Thinning with wideRANGE

Realtime video from the operator’s perspective of a 724E feller buncher equipped with wideRANGE  in a fifth row thinning application. wideRANGE improves productivity because the machine has the capability to travel more quickly from tree to tree and to and from the bunch pile, reducing cycle times.