4th May 2021
Rethink, Reuse and Play. Reimagining discarded paper and packaging products.
A contest named ‘Rethink, Reuse and Play’ was developed by forestry products and packaging company, WestRock in Brazil. Its purpose was to encourage the reuse of paper and cardboard packaging to create toys, paintings, folds or other crafts by children of the company’s employees. The contest was held in conjunction with the celebration of the Brazilian holiday, Children’s Day. Many participants created models of their favourite pieces of forestry equipment, including eleven-year-old cousins, Guilherme Pazda Karvat, who built a Tigercat track feller buncher and Arthur Henrique Pangratz Karvat, who made a Tigercat six-wheel skidder, all out of recycled paper products.
Brothers Hank and Charlie Peterson, age eight and five, from Meadowlands, Minnesota mailed in a letter to express their passion for Tigercat equipment. Along with the letter, the brothers included Charlie’s drawing of a Tigercat feller buncher and a picture of Hank’s feller buncher made out of Lego.
Dear Tigercat,
Hi! Our names are Hank and Charlie Peterson and we just wanted to send you a picture we drew. We LOVE your logging equipment and have dreams of becoming loggers when we grow up. You make the best things, and we have actually made up a feller buncher out of our Legos, just like the real one! Thank you for being so good at what you do. We love checking out your website and drawing pictures of all your products.
Have a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.
Love, Hank + Charlie
Eight-year-old Bentley Heed from Montrose, Pennsylvania mailed in a letter asking Tigercat to build a forwarder with an upper frame that rotates 360 degrees. Bentley included detailed drawings of his design. The request was passed over to vice president of engineering Jon Cooper, who responded to Bentley with, “We will look into your idea thoroughly, and perhaps one day build the machine you describe.ˮ